Tracking WordPress plugin compatibility with Trello

This post is more than 10 years old.

For a while now, I’ve been using the amazing Trello to help me keep track of various tasks. Sure, I use various bug trackers like Mantis and GitHub Issues too, but for some of the more high-level tasks it’s just easier with Trello. One job it’s particularly good at is helping me keep track of plugin compatibility testing.

It’s fairly rare for a whole week to pass without either WordPress or some major WordPress plugin issuing a new version. I build plugins for WordPress to meet a variety of needs, and many of them integrate with other plugins, so I need to keep on top of changes to ensure that my plugins are still compatible.

Which is where Trello comes in. I created a Trello card for WordPress and each major plugin I integrate with, and added a checklist to each. For example, here’s my current WooCommerce card:

Tracking which plugins need to be tested against WooCommerce
Tracking which plugins need to be tested against WooCommerce

As you can see, I’ve tested three of my plugins for WooCommerce 2.1.12 compatibility, and have one remaining to be tested. Here’s what the tops of my To Do and Done lists look like on that board:

Keeping track of plugin compatibility with Trello
Keeping track of plugin compatibility with Trello

It keeps it nice and obvious which tasks have been completed and which haven’t. Once completed, you can archive a card to remove it from the list. I initially thought that made the whole Done list quite redundant, until I discovered something: you can import a checklist from another Trello card — but only if it hasn’t been archived! So now I have a process:

  • check off each plugin as it has been tested
  • when all items in the checklist have been completed, move the card to the Done list
  • when a new version is released, create a copy of the card from the Done list, change the version number, and add it to the To Do list
  • archive the old card in the Done list

Using that process, I can easily start a new card for the next version of WordPress or a plugin, inheriting any checklists from the previous version’s card.

And now I’d better go get that last one checked off the list…