Hide fields under review in Gravity Forms
Hiding a page or section of a form in Gravity Forms, without having to remove it from the form.
Hiding a page or section of a form in Gravity Forms, without having to remove it from the form.
If WooCommerce is restricting which countries it sells to, then Gravity Forms should probably restrict its addresses to match.
Standard Gravity Forms notification emails are HTML emails. They don't have a plain text part, which some spam filters flag as maybe spam. Stop this happening by making them multipart emails.
When customers buy things through your WooCommerce shop, they can sign up to your website right there in the checkout. But if you want to control the signup process, a better option can be Gravity Forms.
I'm a big fan of the Login with Ajax plugin. It makes it really easy to add a nice popup login form to a website. Here's how to make the most of it, with a little custom code.
Gravity Forms and its User Registration add-on make it really easy to create custom registration pages. One problem you'll hit if you combine that with WooCommerce is that WooCommerce uses standard country codes, but Gravity Forms uses country names. But that can be fixed.
Easy Digital Downloads comes with a PayPal Standard payment gateway, which lets us get our store up and selling quickly and cheaply. Let's get it to select a better landing page with PayPal Standard, and make our credit card customers happier.
The Gravity Forms Add-on Framework makes the job of creating an add-on really easy. But there's a couple of problems with letting it load our text domain for us:
Gravity Forms email notifications can be used to send simple payment receipts for eWAY transactions.
TIL that you need to give Gravity Forms add-ons some capabilities, otherwise they might disappear from the WordPress admin.
Gravity Forms normally loads its stylesheets in the page head, where they belong. It does that only on pages which have forms, which is nice. If you use a widget to host your form, however, it can't detect that until it renders the widget... too late to load the stylesheets in the head. At that point, it just pulls them directly into the page body.
Gravity Forms has some nice compound fields to make it easy to accept things like names, addresses, and credit card details. One annoying thing it does, though, is put the labels for the input fields below them instead of above them. Here's how to move Gravity Forms field labels above input fields where most people would expect them to be.