Posts tagged “ie6”

CSS3 linear gradients and Internet Explorer

CSS3 has been tempting me with linear gradients for a while now. They don't work in Internet Explorer, but there are ways and means with a little script magic. Now that Opera has finally joined the party, I figured it was time to ditch those ever pervasive linear gradient background images and start using CSS3 for linear gradients. But it's not all rosy, especially when you need to position your background.

Internet Explorer CSS hacks with JavaScript

Sometimes it's just easier to write a quick hack to get the job done. This is one of those times. SWMBO, the CSS guru in the house, quite rightly wants to use the :before and :after pseudo-elements to add some style to a website, in a way that will make it easy for the client to add content without struggling with keeping the format consistent. That's easy enough in Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera, even Internet Explorer 8 and 9... but not Internet Explorer 6 or 7.