Posts tagged “php”

PHP really doesn’t do Unicode

I've heard many times that PHP doesn't really do Unicode, or not properly. In seven years of working primarily in PHP, always in UTF-8, I've never really hit a problem, so I always figured it was something esoteric and unimportant for me. But already this year I've seen this problem twice, in different ways.

eAccelerator and PHP closures don’t mix

I struck an odd problem recently with some code using closures. I use closures extensively for WordPress filter and action hooks when building custom plugins and themes for websites, and all usually works well on any version of PHP from 5.3 up. But I was finding that my closures weren't being called on some PHP 5.4 websites. The problem was eAccelerator.

Replace query argument pagination with WordPress paged pretty URLs

When integrating non-WordPress PHP software into WordPress, sometimes the two butt heads over little things; pagination is one such thing. WordPress likes to move pagination into the pretty URL and out of query parameters. If your non-WordPress software generates content with URLs that have page= in query parameters, that means a redirect each time such a URL is fetched. A little regular expression magic can help fix that, with some assembly required.

WordPress WP_DEBUG_LOG without E_STRICT

As Debugging in WordPress explains, it's easy to get good debugging information into a debug.log file while developing WordPress plugins and themes. Unfortunately, it sets the PHP error reporting level to E_ALL, which includes E_STRICT and can throw so much noise into the log that you can't find the useful information. What we need is a way to turn on the debug log but specify the error reporting level.